
陈洛加,女,北方交通大学建筑系艺术设计专业教授。 中国美术家协会会员,中华美学学会会员。 1982年毕业于西南师大美术系油画专业,并留校任教。 80年代和90年代先后深造于中央美术学院和中国社科院哲学所美学室。 在高校从事美术教学与研究工作,同时从事水彩画创作。绘画风格清新自然唯美。 绘画作品参加过国内外各种美展并获过奖。近年来应邀参加韩国、澳大利亚、美国等多种国际美展,并举办过个人画展。美术作品在《人民日报》、《光明日报》、《装饰》、《世界知识画报》等多种报刊杂志上发表。 出版有《外国美术史》、《美术鉴赏》等著作多部,并出版有《中国当代实力派画家-陈洛加》画册和邮政明信片等。 绘画作品被中国、马来西亚、加拿大、新西兰、美国等国收藏。 联系地址:北京 西直门外 北方交通大学 东7楼253号  100044 E-mail:luojiachen@263.net 陈洛加水彩网址:   http://chenluojiawatercolor.spaces.msn.com/ 中国美术家网陈洛加水彩网址:http://chenluojia.caan.cn 陈洛加巴黎画展报道网址 新华网报道网址:news.xinhuanet.com/shuhua/2008-09/10 巴黎欧洲时报报道网址:http://www.oushinet.com/news/42605.htm 巴黎留学网报道网址:www.studyfr.net/news/news/jlcb/20080908About the artist—luojiaChenI am the professor of School of Engineering and Architecture Northern Jiaotong University, Beijing, P.R.China, one of China’s best-known universities. I am also a member of Chinese Artists Association and a member of Chinese Society for Aesthetics. I have engaged in art education and research for many years, and devoted all my spare time to watercolor painting. My painting style is natural and refreshing. I have attended all kinds of art show in China and other countries. In recent years I have been invited to join many art shows and had my own exhibitions in many countries, such as Australia, Korea, Malaysia, and the United States. I have won numerous domestic and international awards, and published in numerous newspapers and magazines in China which include People’s Daily and Guangming Daily. My artworks are also collected by many galleries in China and other countries. I am the author of several books and numerous articles on my research field. My book, “The History of Western Fine Arts”, has been sold over one hundred thousand copies. Address: No 253 East Building 7 Northern Jiaotong University Beijing 100044  P.R.of China



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